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[20.06.2008]Brief essay on scientific activity of Professor JALAL ALIYEV
[17.06.2008]Список книг Д.А.Алиева
On June 27, 2008 the talk of famous Japanese scientist in the field of photosynthesis, Professor Murata N. will be held in the Institute of Botany.
On June 25, Tarlan Mammadov Hazarpasha oglu will defend his dissertation entitled "Identification, characterization and ... →
The International Conference and Workshop on "Bioinformatics: Current Progress and Practical Applications" devoted to the 80th anniversary of J. Aliyev... →
Scientific achivements

(Документальная хроника)
В тяжелое для страны время политических игр трудный путь борьбы академика Джалала Алиева во имя принципов чистоты науки и торжества истины →
ORIGIN: The variety was released at Research Institute of Agriculture crossing local "Garagylchyk" cultivar with "Norin-10" by a multistage selection. →
Д.А.Алиев. Влияние микроэлементов на некоторые физиологические процессы и урожайность озимой пшеницы. →

Jalal Alirza Aliyev was born on June 30, 1928 in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan Republic. He graduated in 1944 from the faculty of Natural Science of the Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute and in 1951 from the Biological Faculty of Azerbaijan State University (with distinction). Being of third year student (1948), J.Aliyev began to work as a research assistant at the Department of Plant Physiology and then he selects this field of biology as a major for his future scientific activity.
Scientific news
Brief essay on scientific activity of Professor JALAL ALIYEV
More than fifty years of fruitful researches of Professor Aliyev are devoted to study on the theory of photosynthetic activity as the base of productivity of agricultural plants, mainly of wheat.In the consecutive and purposeful activity J. Aliyev develops complex researches on photosynthesis as a base of production process. The cycle of these researches covers physiological, biochemical and molecular-genetic bases of plant productivity and also a study of production processes in all levels of structural- functional organization of vital function of the plant organism - from molecular to the whole plant and sowing.

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